Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So here's the first blocking of my first assignment. We had to either animate ballie kicking a soccer ball, taking a big step to the side, or turning around 180 degrees. I chose the second one and here's what I got:

This past week we turned in a splined version of this animation. I changed mine a bit and added a few things here and there. One of those was the ball. I decided it was too distracting and confusing, so in this second version I just made it a ball. I had plans of making it a body on the ground, but I need to keep things simple. (Sometimes my mind will get ahead of my actual abilities on this program..ha) There are some things I still need to work on, like his feet sliding too much and I need to overlap his body more on the steps. He looks too mechanical when every action ends on the same key. Also, I'm planning on smoothing out the ending. (It's too jerky) Anyways, here's my work from the past few weeks.. ENJOY!

1 comment:

Julien Abenhaim said...

I love it! Great job. Keep on animating! :)